PerfettoSQL Prelude
Tables diagram
Events tables
Android tables
Callstack profilers tables
Memory Snapshots tables
Metadata tables
Winscope tables
Misc tables
Contains slices from userspace which explains what threads were doing during the trace.
Column | Type | Description |
id | SliceTable::Id | Unique identifier for this slice. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp at the start of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
dur | int64_t | The duration of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
track_id | TrackTable::Id | The id of the track this slice is located on Joinable with |
category | stringoptional |
The "category" of the slice. If this slice originated with track_event, this column contains the category emitted Otherwise, it is likely to be null (with limited exceptions). |
name | stringoptional |
The name of the slice. The name describes what was happening during the slice. |
depth | uint32_t | The depth of the slice in the current stack of slices. |
stack_id | int64_t | A unique identifier obtained from the names of all slices in this stack. This is rarely useful and kept around only for legacy reasons. |
parent_stack_id | int64_t | The stack_id for the parent of this slice. Rarely useful. |
parent_id | SliceTable::Idoptional |
The id of the parent (i.e. immediate ancestor) slice for this slice Joinable with |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
The id of the argument set associated with this slice Joinable with args.arg_set_id |
thread_ts | int64_toptional |
The thread timestamp at the start of the slice. This column will only be populated if thread timestamp collection is enabled with track_event. |
thread_dur | int64_toptional |
' The thread time used by this slice. This column will only be populated if thread timestamp collection is enabled with track_event. |
thread_instruction_count | int64_toptional |
The value of the CPU instruction counter at the start of the slice. This column will only be populated if thread instruction collection is enabled with track_event. |
thread_instruction_delta | int64_toptional |
The change in value of the CPU instruction counter between the start and end of the slice. This column will only be populated if thread instruction collection is enabled with track_event. |
Contains all the ftrace events in the trace. This table exists only for debugging purposes and should not be relied on in production usecases (i.e. metrics, standard library etc). Note also that this table might be empty if raw ftrace parsing has been disabled.
Column | Type | Description |
id | FtraceEventTable::Id | Unique identifier for this ftrace_event. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp of this event. |
name | string | The name of the event. For ftrace events, this will be the ftrace event name. |
utid | ThreadTable::Id | The thread this event was emitted on Joinable with |
arg_set_id | uint32_t | The set of key/value pairs associated with this event Joinable with args.arg_set_id |
common_flags | uint32_t | Ftrace event flags for this event. Currently only emitted for sched_waking events. |
ucpu | CpuTable::Id | The unique CPU indentifier Joinable with |
This table holds slices with kernel thread scheduling information. These slices are collected when the Linux "ftrace" data source is used with the "sched/switch" and "sched/wakeup*" events enabled.
The rows in this table will always have a matching row in the |thread_state| table with |thread_state.state| = 'Running'
Column | Type | Description |
id | SchedSliceTable::Id | Unique identifier for this sched. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp at the start of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
dur | int64_t | The duration of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
utid | uint32_t | The thread's unique id in the trace. |
end_state | string | A string representing the scheduling state of the kernel thread at the end of the slice. The individual characters in the string mean the following: R (runnable), S (awaiting a wakeup), D (in an uninterruptible sleep), T (suspended), t (being traced), X (exiting), P (parked), W (waking), I (idle), N (not contributing to the load average), K (wakeable on fatal signals) and Z (zombie, awaiting cleanup). |
priority | int32_t | The kernel priority that the thread ran at. |
ucpu | CpuTable::Id | The unique CPU identifier that the slice executed on Joinable with |
This table contains the scheduling wakeups that occurred while a thread was not blocked, i.e. running or runnable. Such wakeups are not tracked in the |thread_state_table|.
Column | Type | Description |
id | SpuriousSchedWakeupTable::Id | Unique identifier for this spurious_sched_wakeup. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp at the start of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
thread_state_id | int64_t | The id of the row in the thread_state table that this row is associated with. |
irq_context | uint32_toptional |
Whether the wakeup was from interrupt context or process context. |
utid | uint32_t | The thread's unique id in the trace.. |
waker_utid | uint32_t | The unique thread id of the thread which caused a wakeup of this thread. |
This table contains the scheduling state of every thread on the system during the trace.
The rows in this table which have |state| = 'Running', will have a corresponding row in the |sched_slice| table.
Column | Type | Description |
id | ThreadStateTable::Id | Unique identifier for this thread_state. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp at the start of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
dur | int64_t | The duration of the slice (in nanoseconds). |
utid | uint32_t | The thread's unique id in the trace. |
state | string | The scheduling state of the thread. Can be "Running" or any of the states described in |sched_slice.end_state|. |
io_wait | uint32_toptional |
Indicates whether this thread was blocked on IO. |
blocked_function | stringoptional |
The function in the kernel this thread was blocked on. |
waker_utid | uint32_toptional |
The unique thread id of the thread which caused a wakeup of this thread. |
waker_id | ThreadStateTable::Idoptional |
The unique thread state id which caused a wakeup of this thread Joinable with |
irq_context | uint32_toptional |
Whether the wakeup was from interrupt context or process context. |
ucpu | CpuTable::Idoptional |
The unique CPU identifier that the thread executed on Joinable with |
Dumpsys entries from Android dumpstate.
Column | Type | Description |
id | AndroidDumpstateTable::Id | Unique identifier for this android_dumpstate. |
section | stringoptional |
name of the dumpstate section. |
service | stringoptional |
name of the dumpsys service. Only present when dumpstate=="dumpsys", NULL otherwise. |
line | string | line-by-line contents of the section/service, one row per line. |
A table presenting all game modes and interventions of games installed on the system. This is generated by the game_mode_intervention data-source.
Column | Type | Description |
id | AndroidGameInterventionListTable::Id | Unique identifier for this android_game_intervention_list. |
package_name | string | name of the pakcage, e.g. |
uid | int64_t | UID processes of this package runs as. |
current_mode | int32_t | current game mode the game is running at. |
standard_mode_supported | int32_t | bool whether standard mode is supported. |
standard_mode_downscale | doubleoptional |
resolution downscaling factor of standard mode. |
standard_mode_use_angle | int32_toptional |
bool whether ANGLE is used in standard mode. |
standard_mode_fps | doubleoptional |
frame rate that the game is throttled at in standard mode. |
perf_mode_supported | int32_t | bool whether performance mode is supported. |
perf_mode_downscale | doubleoptional |
resolution downscaling factor of performance mode. |
perf_mode_use_angle | int32_toptional |
bool whether ANGLE is used in performance mode. |
perf_mode_fps | doubleoptional |
frame rate that the game is throttled at in performance mode. |
battery_mode_supported | int32_t | bool whether battery mode is supported. |
battery_mode_downscale | doubleoptional |
resolution downscaling factor of battery mode. |
battery_mode_use_angle | int32_toptional |
bool whether ANGLE is used in battery mode. |
battery_mode_fps | doubleoptional |
frame rate that the game is throttled at in battery mode. |
Callstack profilers
A mapping (binary / library) in a process. This is generated by the stack profilers: heapprofd and traced_perf.
Column | Type | Description |
id | StackProfileMappingTable::Id | Unique identifier for this stack_profile_mapping. |
build_id | string | Hex-encoded Build ID of the binary / library. |
exact_offset | int64_t | |
start_offset | int64_t | |
start | int64_t | Start of the mapping in the process' address space. |
end | int64_t | End of the mapping in the process' address space. |
load_bias | int64_t | |
name | string | Filename of the binary / library. |
A frame on the callstack. This is a location in a program. This is generated by the stack profilers: heapprofd and traced_perf.
Column | Type | Description |
id | StackProfileFrameTable::Id | Unique identifier for this stack_profile_frame. |
name | string | Name of the function this location is in. |
mapping | StackProfileMappingTable::Id | The mapping (library / binary) this location is in Joinable with |
rel_pc | int64_t | The program counter relative to the start of the mapping. |
symbol_set_id | uint32_toptional |
If the profile was offline symbolized, the offline symbol information of this frame. |
deobfuscated_name | stringoptional |
Deobfuscated name of the function this location is in. |
A callsite. This is a list of frames that were on the stack. This is generated by the stack profilers: heapprofd and traced_perf.
Column | Type | Description |
id | StackProfileCallsiteTable::Id | Unique identifier for this stack_profile_callsite. |
depth | uint32_t | Distance from the bottom-most frame of the callstack. |
parent_id | StackProfileCallsiteTable::Idoptional |
Parent frame on the callstack. NULL for the bottom-most Joinable with |
frame_id | StackProfileFrameTable::Id | Frame at this position in the callstack Joinable with |
Table containing stack samples from CPU profiling.
Column | Type | Description |
id | CpuProfileStackSampleTable::Id | Unique identifier for this cpu_profile_stack_sample. |
ts | int64_t | timestamp of the sample. |
callsite_id | StackProfileCallsiteTable::Id | unwound callstack Joinable with |
utid | uint32_t | thread that was active when the sample was taken. |
process_priority | int32_t |
Samples from MacOS Instruments.
Column | Type | Description |
id | InstrumentsSampleTable::Id | Unique identifier for this instruments_sample. |
ts | int64_t | Timestamp of the sample. |
utid | uint32_t | Sampled thread. |
callsite_id | StackProfileCallsiteTable::Idoptional |
If set, unwound callstack of the sampled thread Joinable with |
cpu | uint32_toptional |
Core the sampled thread was running on. |
Allocations that happened at a callsite.
NOTE: this table is not sorted by timestamp intentionanlly - see b/193757386 for details.
This is generated by heapprofd.
Column | Type | Description |
id | HeapProfileAllocationTable::Id | Unique identifier for this heap_profile_allocation. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp the allocations happened at. heapprofd batches allocations and frees, and all data from a dump will have the same timestamp. |
upid | uint32_t | The unique PID of the allocating process. |
heap_name | string | |
callsite_id | StackProfileCallsiteTable::Id | The callsite the allocation happened at Joinable with |
count | int64_t | If positive: number of allocations that happened at this callsite. if negative: number of allocations that happened at this callsite that were freed. |
size | int64_t | If positive: size of allocations that happened at this callsite. if negative: size of allocations that happened at this callsite that were freed. |
Perf sessions.
Column | Type | Description |
id | PerfSessionTable::Id | Unique identifier for this perf_session. |
cmdline | stringoptional |
Command line used to collect the data. |
Samples from the traced_perf profiler.
Column | Type | Description |
id | PerfSampleTable::Id | Unique identifier for this perf_sample. |
ts | int64_t | Timestamp of the sample. |
utid | uint32_t | Sampled thread. |
cpu | uint32_toptional |
Core the sampled thread was running on. |
cpu_mode | string | Execution state (userspace/kernelspace) of the sampled thread. |
callsite_id | StackProfileCallsiteTable::Idoptional |
If set, unwound callstack of the sampled thread Joinable with |
unwind_error | stringoptional |
If set, indicates that the unwinding for this sample encountered an error. Such samples still reference the best-effort result via the callsite_id, with a synthetic error frame at the point where unwinding stopped. |
perf_session_id | PerfSessionTable::Id | Distinguishes samples from different profiling streams (i.e. multiple data sources) Joinable with |
The profiler smaps contains the memory stats for virtual memory ranges captured by the heap profiler.
Column | Type | Description |
id | ProfilerSmapsTable::Id | Unique identifier for this profiler_smaps. |
upid | uint32_t | The unique PID of the process. |
ts | int64_t | Timestamp of the snapshot. Multiple rows will have the same timestamp. |
path | string | The mmaped file, as per /proc/pid/smaps. |
size_kb | int64_t | Total size of the mapping. |
private_dirty_kb | int64_t | KB of this mapping that are private dirty RSS. |
swap_kb | int64_t | KB of this mapping that are in swap. |
file_name | string | |
start_address | int64_t | |
module_timestamp | int64_t | |
module_debugid | string | |
module_debug_path | string | |
protection_flags | int64_t | |
private_clean_resident_kb | int64_t | |
shared_dirty_resident_kb | int64_t | |
shared_clean_resident_kb | int64_t | |
locked_kb | int64_t | |
proportional_resident_kb | int64_t |
Symbolization data for a frame. Rows with the same symbol_set_id describe one callframe, with the most-inlined symbol having id == symbol_set_id.
For instance, if the function foo has an inlined call to the function bar, which has an inlined call to baz, the stack_profile_symbol table would look like this.
|id|symbol_set_id|name |source_file|line_number|
|1 | 1 |baz | | 36 |
|2 | 1 |bar | | 30 |
|3 | 1 |foo | | 60 |
Column | Type | Description |
id | SymbolTable::Id | Unique identifier for this stack_profile_symbol. |
symbol_set_id | uint32_t | |
name | string | name of the function. |
source_file | stringoptional |
name of the source file containing the function. |
line_number | uint32_toptional |
line number of the frame in the source file. This is the exact line for the corresponding program counter, not the beginning of the function. |
Memory Snapshots
Column | Type | Description |
id | MemorySnapshotTable::Id | Unique identifier for this memory_snapshot. |
timestamp | int64_t | |
track_id | TrackTable::Id | Joinable with |
detail_level | string |
Column | Type | Description |
id | ProcessMemorySnapshotTable::Id | Unique identifier for this process_memory_snapshot. |
snapshot_id | MemorySnapshotTable::Id | Joinable with |
upid | uint32_t |
Column | Type | Description |
id | MemorySnapshotNodeTable::Id | Unique identifier for this memory_snapshot_node. |
process_snapshot_id | ProcessMemorySnapshotTable::Id | Joinable with |
parent_node_id | MemorySnapshotNodeTable::Idoptional |
Joinable with |
path | string | |
size | int64_t | |
effective_size | int64_t | |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Column | Type | Description |
id | MemorySnapshotEdgeTable::Id | Unique identifier for this memory_snapshot_edge. |
source_node_id | MemorySnapshotNodeTable::Id | Joinable with |
target_node_id | MemorySnapshotNodeTable::Id | Joinable with |
importance | uint32_t |
Contains raw machine_id of trace packets emitted from remote machines.
Column | Type | Description |
id | MachineTable::Id | Unique identifier for this machine. |
raw_id | uint32_t | Raw machine identifier in the trace packet, non-zero for remote machines. |
Contains information of processes seen during the trace
Column | Type | Description |
upid | ProcessTable::Id | Unique process id. This is != the OS pid. This is a monotonic number associated to each process. The OS process id (pid) cannot be used as primary key because tids and pids are recycled by most kernels. |
pid | uint32_t | The OS id for this process. Note: this is not unique over the lifetime of the trace so cannot be used as a primary key. Use |upid| instead. |
name | stringoptional |
The name of the process. Can be populated from many sources (e.g. ftrace, /proc scraping, track event etc). |
start_ts | int64_toptional |
The start timestamp of this process (if known). Is null in most cases unless a process creation event is enabled (e.g. task_newtask ftrace event on Linux/Android). |
end_ts | int64_toptional |
The end timestamp of this process (if known). Is null in most cases unless a process destruction event is enabled (e.g. sched_process_free ftrace event on Linux/Android). |
parent_upid | ProcessTable::Idoptional |
The upid of the process which caused this process to be spawned Joinable with process.upid |
uid | uint32_toptional |
The Unix user id of the process Joinable with package_list.uid |
android_appid | uint32_toptional |
Android appid of this process. |
android_user_id | uint32_toptional |
Android user id running the process Related to Android multi-user (not to be confused with the unix uid) |
cmdline | stringoptional |
/proc/cmdline for this process. |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args for this process Joinable with args.arg_set_id |
machine_id | MachineTable::Idoptional |
Machine identifier, non-null for processes on a remote machine Joinable with |
Contains information of threads seen during the trace
Column | Type | Description |
utid | ThreadTable::Id | Unique thread id. This is != the OS tid. This is a monotonic number associated to each thread. The OS thread id (tid) cannot be used as primary key because tids and pids are recycled by most kernels. |
tid | uint32_t | The OS id for this thread. Note: this is not unique over the lifetime of the trace so cannot be used as a primary key. Use |utid| instead. |
name | stringoptional |
The name of the thread. Can be populated from many sources (e.g. ftrace, /proc scraping, track event etc). |
start_ts | int64_toptional |
The start timestamp of this thread (if known). Is null in most cases unless a thread creation event is enabled (e.g task_newtask ftrace event on Linux/Android). |
end_ts | int64_toptional |
The end timestamp of this thread (if known). Is null in most cases unless a thread destruction event is enabled (e.g sched_process_free ftrace event on Linux/Android). |
upid | ProcessTable::Idoptional |
The process hosting this thread Joinable with process.upid |
is_main_thread | uint32_toptional |
Boolean indicating if this thread is the main thread in the process. |
is_idle | uint32_t | Boolean indicating if this thread is an kernel idle task ( pid = 0 on Linux). |
machine_id | MachineTable::Idoptional |
Machine identifier, non-null for threads on a remote machine Joinable with |
Contains information of filedescriptors collected during the trace
Column | Type | Description |
id | FiledescriptorTable::Id | Unique identifier for this filedescriptor. |
ufd | int64_t | Unique fd. This is != the OS fd This is a monotonic number associated to each filedescriptor. The OS assigned fd cannot be used as primary key because fds are recycled by most kernels. |
fd | int64_t | The OS id for this process. Note: this is not unique over the lifetime of the trace so cannot be used as a primary key. Use |ufd| instead. |
ts | int64_toptional |
The timestamp for when the fd was collected. |
upid | uint32_toptional |
The upid of the process which opened the filedescriptor. |
path | stringoptional |
The path to the file or device backing the fd In case this was a socket the path will be the port number. |
Column | Type | Description |
id | MetadataTable::Id | Unique identifier for this metadata. |
name | string | |
key_type | string | |
int_value | int64_toptional |
str_value | stringoptional |
Column | Type | Description |
id | ProtoLogTable::Id | Unique identifier for this protolog. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp the log message was sent |
level | string | The log level of the protolog message |
tag | string | The log tag of the protolog message |
message | string | The protolog message |
stacktrace | string | Stacktrace captured at the message's logpoint |
location | string | The location of the logpoint (only for processed messages) |
SurfaceFlinger layers snapshot
Column | Type | Description |
id | SurfaceFlingerLayersSnapshotTable::Id | Unique identifier for this surfaceflinger_layers_snapshot. |
ts | int64_t | Timestamp of the snapshot |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args parsed from the proto message |
base64_proto_id | uint32_toptional |
String id for raw proto message |
SurfaceFlinger layer
Column | Type | Description |
id | SurfaceFlingerLayerTable::Id | Unique identifier for this surfaceflinger_layer. |
snapshot_id | SurfaceFlingerLayersSnapshotTable::Id | The snapshot that generated this layer Joinable with |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args parsed from the proto message |
base64_proto_id | uint32_toptional |
String id for raw proto message |
SurfaceFlinger transactions. Each row contains a set of transactions that SurfaceFlinger committed together.
Column | Type | Description |
id | SurfaceFlingerTransactionsTable::Id | Unique identifier for this surfaceflinger_transactions. |
ts | int64_t | Timestamp of the transactions commit |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args parsed from the proto message |
base64_proto_id | uint32_toptional |
String id for raw proto message |
Window Manager Shell Transitions
Column | Type | Description |
id | WindowManagerShellTransitionsTable::Id | Unique identifier for this window_manager_shell_transitions. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp the transition started playing |
transition_id | int64_t | The id of the transition |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args parsed from the proto message |
Window Manager Shell Transition Handlers
Column | Type | Description |
id | WindowManagerShellTransitionHandlersTable::Id | Unique identifier for this window_manager_shell_transition_handlers. |
handler_id | int64_t | The id of the handler |
handler_name | string | The name of the handler |
base64_proto_id | uint32_toptional |
String id for raw proto message |
Column | Type | Description |
id | WindowManagerTable::Id | Unique identifier for this windowmanager. |
ts | int64_t | The timestamp the state snapshot was captured |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args parsed from the proto message |
base64_proto_id | uint32_toptional |
String id for raw proto message |
Column | Type | Description |
id | FlowTable::Id | Unique identifier for this flow. |
slice_out | SliceTable::Id | Id of the slice that this flow flows out of Joinable with |
slice_in | SliceTable::Id | If of the slice that this flow flows into Joinable with |
trace_id | int64_toptional |
Ids (raw values passed from the trace) of flows originating, passing through, or ending at this event. They are global within a trace. NULL if flow was "implicitly created", e.g came from Trace Processor inferring a link between binder transaction slices. |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Column | Type | Description |
id | ArgTable::Id | Unique identifier for this args. |
arg_set_id | uint32_t | |
flat_key | string | |
key | string | |
int_value | int64_toptional |
string_value | stringoptional |
real_value | doubleoptional |
value_type | string |
Contains all the mapping between clock snapshots and trace time.
NOTE: this table is not sorted by timestamp; this is why we omit the sorted flag on the ts column.
Column | Type | Description |
id | ClockSnapshotTable::Id | Unique identifier for this clock_snapshot. |
ts | int64_t | timestamp of the snapshot in trace time. |
clock_id | int64_t | id of the clock (corresponds to the id in the trace). |
clock_name | stringoptional |
the name of the clock for builtin clocks or null otherwise. |
clock_value | int64_t | timestamp of the snapshot in clock time. |
snapshot_id | uint32_t | the index of this snapshot (only useful for debugging) |
machine_id | MachineTable::Idoptional |
Machine identifier, non-null for clock snapshots on a remote machine Joinable with |
Contains information of processes seen during the trace
Column | Type | Description |
id | CpuTable::Id | Unique identifier for this cpu. |
cpu | uint32_toptional |
the index (0-based) of the CPU core on the device |
cluster_id | uint32_t | the cluster id is shared by CPUs in the same cluster |
processor | string | a string describing this core |
machine_id | MachineTable::Idoptional |
Machine identifier, non-null for CPUs on a remote machine Joinable with |
capacity | uint32_toptional |
Capacity of a CPU of a device, a metric which indicates the relative performance of a CPU on a device For details see: |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
Extra args associated with the CPU |
Column | Type | Description |
id | CpuFreqTable::Id | Unique identifier for this cpu_freq. |
ucpu | CpuTable::Id | Joinable with |
freq | uint32_t |
Metadata related to the trace file parsed. Note the order in which the files appear in this table corresponds to the order in which they are read and sent to the tokenization stage.
Column | Type | Description |
id | TraceFileTable::Id | Unique identifier for this trace_file. |
parent_id | TraceFileTable::Idoptional |
Parent file. E.g. files contained in a zip file will point to the zip file Joinable with |
name | stringoptional |
File name, if known, NULL otherwise |
size | int64_t | Size in bytes |
trace_type | string | Trace type |
processing_order | int64_toptional |
In which order where the files were processed. |
Column | Type | Description |
id | GpuCounterGroupTable::Id | Unique identifier for this gpu_counter_group. |
group_id | int32_t | |
track_id | TrackTable::Id | Joinable with |
Metadata about packages installed on the system. This is generated by the packages_list data-source.
Column | Type | Description |
id | PackageListTable::Id | Unique identifier for this package_list. |
package_name | string | name of the package, e.g. |
uid | int64_t | UID processes of this package run as. |
debuggable | int32_t | bool whether this app is debuggable. |
profileable_from_shell | int32_t | bool whether this app is profileable. |
version_code | int64_t | versionCode from the APK. |
Column | Type | Description |
id | VulkanMemoryAllocationsTable::Id | Unique identifier for this vulkan_memory_allocations. |
arg_set_id | uint32_toptional |
source | string | |
operation | string | |
timestamp | int64_t | |
upid | uint32_toptional |
device | int64_toptional |
device_memory | int64_toptional |
memory_type | uint32_toptional |
heap | uint32_toptional |
function_name | stringoptional |
object_handle | int64_toptional |
memory_address | int64_toptional |
memory_size | int64_toptional |
scope | string |